The Guelph Amateur Radio Club is proud to be a RAC Affiliated Club, and we strongly encourage our members, and all Canadian Amateur Radio Operators, to become members of this organization that is so vital to the survival and furtherance of Amateur Radio in our country.
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) is the national association for Amateur Radio in Canada. It is a not-for-profit membership association with its headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, representing the interests of Amateur Radio across Canada.
Radio Amateurs of Canada represents the interest of all Canadian Radio Amateurs at all levels of government. Speaking on behalf of Canadian Radio Amateurs, RAC provides liaison with government agencies and carries the service’s voice about regulatory and spectrum issues to the discussion table with government and industry leaders, nationally and internationally.
RAC is the Canadian voting member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).
In addition to its vital role in protecting our spectrum, RAC also offers many programs and services to its members to enhance their enjoyment of Amateur Radio.
The Canadian Amateur (TCA) magazine, Canada’s premiere national magazine devoted to Amateur Radio, is published six times per year and is available in both print and digital (eTCA) formats
The RAC Affiliated Club Program provides documents and other useful material to help local Amateur Radio clubs to be more efficient and provide more useful programs for their members.
The RAC Affiliated Club Liability Insurance Program provides affordable $5 million liability insurance for RAC-affiliated Amateur Radio clubs and their members.
The RAC QSL Bureau System distributes QSL cards for RAC member to countries around the world
The RAC Youth Education Program provides support to teachers and schools wishing to implement an Amateur Radio program or project.
The RAC Foundation Program applies member donations to provide financial support through scholarships, research and equipment grants.
The RAC Field Organization coordinates traffic handling and emergency communications across Canada. Help your community by joining the RAC-sponsored Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and/or the National Traffic System (NTS).
The RAC Certified Emergency Coordinator Program provides certificates to ARES Emergency Coordinators who pass a rigorous examination on emergency measures structures and procedures. RAC issues the CEPT and IARP international permits so you can operate your station in many countries without additional permission. Note: CEPT and IARP FAQ info is provided here.
Two annual RAC contests: the RAC Canada Day Contest on July 1 and the RAC Canada Winter Contest in late December. Join the fun from 160m to 2m.
The RAC Operating Awards: the Canadaward, Transcanada, St. Lawrence Seaway and Provincial Capitals
The RAC website gets you surfing the World Wide Web with Amateur Radio news, info, call sign directory, antenna programs and links to other powerful resources.
Our volunteers work hard to provide you with these benefits. We also need your financial support to carry on our work!
Radio Amateurs of Canada represents all Canadian Amateurs at all levels of government. The following are just a few of the examples of the important role that RAC plays in protecting the Amateur Radio Service and ensuring that all Canadian Amateurs can enjoy their hobby.
1) At the Local/Municipal Level: RAC works with municipalities on such issues as regulations governing the placement of antennas. It assists Amateur Radio clubs and other organizations in Public Service and Emergency Services (ARES) functions throughout the year. RAC provides assistance to members wishing to install antennas and towers based on the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada tower policy.
2) At the Regional/Provincial/Territorial Levels: RAC works with these governments on such issues as Distracted Driving Legislation and Emergency Services.
3) At the National Level: RAC represents all Amateurs on the Canadian Amateur Radio Advisory Board (CARAB) and works with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada on important issues such as tower legislation, RF interference and spectrum grabs by business. It costs RAC thousands of dollars to maintain membership in the Radio Advisory Board of Canada and to attend spectrum planning and interference meetings on behalf of all Canadian Amateurs.
4) At the International Level: RAC is a member of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) which works with the United Nation’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to preserve and expand our frequency spectrum allocations. RAC pays its IARU dues based on the total number of Amateurs in Canada and not just RAC members so it needs the support of all members.
RAC sponsors a representative at the World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) in Geneva, Switzerland to protect existing spectrum and open new spectrum.
5) And beyond…
RAC supports the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) and provides opportunities for students to experience the thrill of communicating with astronauts on the International Space Station.
All of the above items are just some examples on the important role that RAC plays in protecting the Amateur Radio Service and ensuring that all Canadian Amateurs can enjoy their hobby.